Terms and Conditions

By using @SimpleB24_bot Bot and/or topping up its Balance, you agree to the following Terms and Conditions:

  1. We are not responsible for any consequences associated with the use of the Bot.
  2. We do not guarantee 24/7 Bot uptime (but we will do our best to ensure it).
  3. We do not guarantee 24/7 Bot support.
  4. Bot support is carried out by the User contacting in the group: @SimpleB24.
  5. Each new Portal added to the system is assigned a Trial period: 30 days - during which all Bot functionality is available to the Portal Users.
  6. After the Trial period ends, the Bot will offer the Portal Users to top up the Balance in order to continue using the Bot.
  7. Each Portal has one Balance in the Bot's system, common for all Portal Users.
  8. Any authorized User of the Portal can top up the Bot Balance for his/her Portal.
  9. Payment is only accepted in Russian rubles.
  10. We do not collect or store your payment data (bank card data) in any form.
    This data is entered by you into special Telegram forms only.
    Processing is carried out by the Payment Provider (more in official documentation).
  11. The Payment Provider is: YooMoney.
  12. All authorized Users of the Portal with a non-zero Balance can use the Bot.
  13. Funds are debited from the Portal Balance on a daily basis in proportion to the actual Tariff of the Portal.
  14. The Portal Tariff is not fixed and will change depending on the actual number of active (not fired) Portal users (not Bot Users).
  15. The User can check the number of remaining paid days of the Bot's services and the number of active users of the Portal in the Bot Settings ("Balance and Payment" section).
  16. We reserve the right to adjust the correspondence of the number of active users of the Portal to the Bot's Tariffs (and/or modify the Tariffs).
  17. We do not fulfill refunds in any form, neither partially nor in full (but in some cases we can do it at our discretion).
  18. We may refuse to provide the service to any User and/or Portal without explanation.
  19. After three months from the date of the Portal's Balance has run out (or from the date of the end of the Trial period, if the Portal Balance has never been topped up), the Portal data (User settings, etc.) will be deleted from the Bot's system (like with the complete removal of the Bot application from Bitrix24 Portal).
  20. The following will be added to the text of the tasks set through the Bot:
    This task was created with the telegram-bot @SimpleB24_bot.
  21. We reserve the right to change the Terms and Conditions at our sole discretion.
  22. Information about significant changes to the Terms and Conditions is published in the Bot's news channel: @SimpleB24_channel
  23. The User undertakes to check the changes in the Terms and Conditions independently.
  24. By continuing to use the Bot and/or topping up the Bot's Balance after the date of publication of the Terms and Conditions as amended, the User agrees to the new version of the Terms and Conditions.
  25. In case of disagreement with the Terms and Conditions, the User must stop using the Bot by blocking it in Telegram and completely removing the Bot's application from his/her Bitrix24 Portal.
  26. The actual version of the Bot's Terms and Conditions is posted on the page: https://simple-b24.ru/terms.php
  27. Publication date of the actual version of the Terms and Conditions: 30.08.2022.
  28. This page is a translation of Russian version of Terms and Conditions.
    The Russian version is the source and takes precedence in all situations.

How much does it cost?

At the moment, the following Bot Tariffs are defined:

Tariff 👥 1 month 3 months 6 months
Standart 250 290 RUB 830 RUB 1 620 RUB
Professional 2 000 790 RUB 2 270 RUB 4 430 RUB
Enterprise 100 000 13 490 RUB 38 830 RUB 75 650 RUB

Prices are in Russian rubles.
👥 - the maximum number of active users of the Portal.
Date of formation of the Tariffs: 30.08.2022.
